Tuesday, July 29, 2008


i am: bj
i know: how to make friendship yarn bracelets
i want: a big bookshelf with all my favorite books
i have: a loving family
i wish: I was a good singer
i hate: cleaning
i miss: my famiy in new mexico
i fear: of the shots I need to get in september
i feel: excited that I soon get to go back school
i hear: the jonas brothers on itunes
i smell: mexican food
i crave: pizza from nypd
i search: for all my journals
i wonder: what it would be like when I work with former teachers
i regret: not liking to read before 8th grade
i love: everything in my life
i care: about the people I love
i always: have my ipod with me
i am not: a good singer but wish I was
i believe: everyone can do what they want
i dance: all the time
i sing: all the time even though im not a good one
i don’t always: keep my room picked up
i fight: when I know im right
i write: in my journal and blog almost everyday
i lose: jewelry all the time
i win: all the time in the game of paper rock scissors
i never: want to do scary fast rollercoaster without my daddy
i listen: to my ipod usually miley cyrus and jonas brothers
i am scared: to start the new school year
i need: more money to buy all my books
i am happy about: having such a great summer
i tag: julie

Friday, July 25, 2008

it's been hectic ;-(

Yup yup it has...ok so it all started when I got back. Everyone knows when your packing you tend to leave your house well semi unorganized. Thats what I had to come home to. So I had to pick up and organize my room.
Thats just the begginning.....
The next thing was my blog. My computer wouldn't let me download a new template. So I had Roseland (Jenni) do it for me. But then all my stuff ( as in playlist, bookshelf, and blog lists) got erased so I had to redo it. Which in a way it was worth it because I really wanted my blog background.
Anyhow... thats still just the begginning... ok fine its the middle.
So then here comes registration at Agua Fria. I come in all excited but then I get my bubble bursted with the news of "you can't be registered without your tetanus shot." I just froze. S
o my mom is driving to a place where they will give it to me . While arriving she calls my doctor to verify that I am do for a new one.
And she says.."no she is not ,that shot is given every 10 years and she got it in 2005"
Ofcourse me happy and all I show off my cheesy smile.=)))
So I finally get registered and all this took 3 hrs. (the going to agua then the shot place then back to agua)
It was 3:58 and I still needed to go to wigwam for jeff's going away party.
So we rush home for me to freshen up then by the time I get all ready its 4:23... I'm 30 min. late.
We drive to Wigwam and there I go.
So for anyone who reads my blog and I dont want to say names (hmm.. jeff and roseland) there you have it , the reason why I havent written in a while.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hey I was at Disneyland!!! It was soo much.
It's was my brother's 1st Birthdays.
I'll post pictures very soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

i told you so...

Hey everyone i told you i was going to post pictures!!take a look!!!